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TIR Prime

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Property Manager
Real Estate Agent

Services offered by this company.

Areas Served:

Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.

Miami, FL | Orlando, FL | Atlanta, GA


3137 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, Florida, United States, 33160

Short Description:

A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.

TIR Prime is a full-service commercial real estate brokerage and property management firm focused on investments, consulting, and development in the Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta markets. They specialize in a diverse range of commercial property types including multifamily, hotel, retail, office, industrial, and land.

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Property Types:

Lists the types of properties this service provider specializes in, such as residential, affordable housing, or senior housing.

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Affordable Housing
  • Senior Housing
  • Student Housing
  • HOA
  • COA
  • Storage
  • Specialty Properties

Highlights the companys main areas of expertise and the specific services they offer

  • Brand Identity Development
  • Property Attribute Establishment
  • Advertising Campaign Creation
  • Broker Networking
  • Direct Sales Representation
  • Market Absorption Acceleration
  • Investment Return Maximization
  • Commercial Property Expertise
Key Features:

Showcases what sets this company apart from others.

Unverified Business
  • Tech-Oriented
  • Above-and-Beyond Service
  • Consumer's Choice
  • Investor's Choice
  • Local Experts
  • Multi-Domain Experts
  • Budget-Friendly
  • Luxury-Focused
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Industry Veteran
  • Family-Run
  • Veteran Owned
Why Choose This Company:

KeyCrews recommendation on why this service provider may be the best fit for your needs.

Exceptional for clients looking for a full-service commercial real estate brokerage with a proven track record of success. TIR Prime is a leading commercial real estate firm focused on investments, consulting, management, brokerage, and development in the dynamic markets of Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta.With extensive experience marketing properties and showcasing them to their best advantage, TIR Prime's team of seasoned professionals delivers exceptional results for their clients. The company's global reach and ability to effectively cross all cultures have allowed them to achieve hundreds of millions in successful real estate sales in a short tenure.Offering a diverse range of services, from commercial properties to mid-rise, high-rise, and planned residential communities, TIR Prime is a one-stop-shop for all your commercial real estate needs. Their commitment to delivering the highest market awareness and appeal, coupled with their unparalleled expertise, ensures the fastest market absorption and the highest return on investment for their clients.


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Property Manager Services

Real Estate Agent Services

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This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.

This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.

Real Estate Agent

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This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.

This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.