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The HOA Management Group

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Property Manager

Services offered by this company.


6725 W Clearwater Ave, Kennewick, WA 99336

Short Description:

A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.

The HOA Management Group is a property management company that specializes in managing homeowners associations (HOAs) in the Tri-Cities area of Washington state. They provide services such as bookkeeping, governance, and legal assistance to help HOAs run smoothly.

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Property Types:

Lists the types of properties this service provider specializes in, such as residential, affordable housing, or senior housing.

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Affordable Housing
  • Senior Housing
  • Student Housing
  • HOA
  • COA
  • Storage
  • Specialty Properties

Highlights the companys main areas of expertise and the specific services they offer

  • Property Value Enhancement
  • Community Appearance Optimization
  • 24/7 HOA Management
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping
  • Legal Compliance Assistance
  • Developer Services
  • Responsive Communication
  • Problem-Solving Expertise
Key Features:

Showcases what sets this company apart from others.

Unverified Business
  • Tech-Oriented
  • Above-and-Beyond Service
  • Consumer's Choice
  • Investor's Choice
  • Local Experts
  • Multi-Domain Experts
  • Budget-Friendly
  • Luxury-Focused
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Industry Veteran
  • Family-Run
  • Veteran Owned
Why Choose This Company:

KeyCrews recommendation on why this service provider may be the best fit for your needs.

For anyone looking for a reliable and experienced property management company, The HOA Management Group is an excellent choice. As a division of Celski and Associates, they specialize in managing homeowners associations (HOAs) in the Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco areas of Washington. With a focus on professionalism and customer service, The HOA Management Group has earned a reputation for their responsiveness and problem-solving abilities. Their in-house accountant, Jeff Spelgatti, is praised for his excellent support in handling complex financial matters, while Carolyn Celski, the leader of the property management arm, is known for her cheerful and attentive approach to addressing homeowners' needs. The company's testimonials from satisfied clients, such as Ben Kruse of Southridge Estates and John Nielsen of Village at Pasco Heights, highlight their ability to effectively manage HOA operations, communicate with homeowners, and provide valuable legal assistance. With their extensive experience and commitment to their clients, The HOA Management Group is well-equipped to ensure the smooth and efficient management of your homeowners association.

What Clients Say

KeyCrew analyzes reviews across multiple platforms to present concise insights for real estate investors.

Client rating:
Based on 13 reviews.

Key Quotes

  • "Went above and beyond" - Alyssa
  • "Quick response and professional" - Matt
  • "Appreciate the help managing" - Carla


Generally, clients say The HOA Management Group provides excellent communication, responsiveness, and professionalism in managing their homeowners associations. Reviewers highlight the team's ability to answer questions, address concerns, and handle the administrative responsibilities of the HOA, which has been a great relief for board members. The company is praised for its local expertise and smooth transition process when taking over management of new communities.


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Property Manager Services

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People often ask...

What services does the company offer?

The company offers property management services for homeowners associations (HOAs).

What types of properties does the company work with?

The company works with condominiums and residential communities managed by homeowners associations.

What geographic areas does the company serve?

The company serves the Kennewick, Washington area.

What is the best way to contact the company?

The HOA Management Group can be reached at (509) 579-4101.

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This business is a featured service provider, information here has been independently verified by KeyCrew team.

This business is a verified service provider, information here has been independently verified by KeyCrew team.

Property Manager

This business is a verified service provider, information here has been independently verified by KeyCrew team.

This business is a verified service provider, information here has been independently verified by KeyCrew team.

Property Manager