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Stebbins Commercial Properties

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Services offered by this company.

Areas Served:

Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.

Manchester, NH


730 Pine St, Manchester, NH 03104

Short Description:

A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.

Stebbins Commercial Properties is a full-service commercial real estate firm that specializes in marketing, leasing, and selling industrial, office, retail, and mixed-use properties in Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts. They work closely with clients to understand their needs and connect them with the right commercial spaces to help their businesses thrive.

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Property Types:

Lists the types of properties this service provider specializes in, such as residential, affordable housing, or senior housing.

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Affordable Housing
  • Senior Housing
  • Student Housing
  • HOA
  • COA
  • Storage
  • Specialty Properties

Highlights the companys main areas of expertise and the specific services they offer

  • Commercial Property Brokerage
  • Retail, Office, Industrial Expertise
  • Investment Property Opportunities
  • Tenant Representation Services
  • Property Owner Consulting
  • Site Selection Assistance
  • Expansion Strategy Support
  • Market Data Analytics
Key Features:

Showcases what sets this company apart from others.

Unverified Business
  • Tech-Oriented
  • Above-and-Beyond Service
  • Consumer's Choice
  • Investor's Choice
  • Local Experts
  • Multi-Domain Experts
  • Budget-Friendly
  • Luxury-Focused
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Industry Veteran
  • Family-Run
  • Veteran Owned
Why Choose This Company:

KeyCrews recommendation on why this service provider may be the best fit for your needs.

This company is a superb option for anyone who requires commercial real estate services in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Stebbins Commercial Properties, Inc. is a well-established firm with a focus on industrial, office, retail, distribution, and mixed-use properties.With a deep understanding of the local markets, the team at Stebbins Commercial Properties is dedicated to helping clients buy, lease, or build the perfect space to meet their business needs. They offer a wide range of services, including property marketing, owner and seller representation, as well as buyer and tenant services.While the company's primary focus is on commercial real estate, their expertise and commitment to excellence make them a valuable partner for any client looking to expand their operations or investment portfolio in the region. Stebbins Commercial Properties' extensive knowledge of the local market and their ability to tap into real-time data ensure that their clients can make informed decisions and find the perfect property to support their business growth.

What Clients Say

KeyCrew analyzes reviews across multiple platforms to present concise insights for real estate investors.

Client rating:
Based on 4 reviews.

Key Quotes

  • "They helped us find exactly what we needed" - Eric
  • "Their knowledge of commercial properties is incredible" - Karen


Client reviews say Stebbins Commercial Properties has knowledgeable staff who provide excellent service in helping clients find the right commercial property at a great price. The company is praised for its responsiveness and keeping clients updated on available properties.


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Real Estate Agent

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Real Estate Agent

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Real Estate Agent, Property Manager, Real Estate Investment Fund

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Real Estate Agent, Property Manager