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SOBE Properties Miami

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Property Manager

Services offered by this company.

Areas Served:

Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.

Miami, FL | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Miami Beach, FL | West Palm Beach, FL


435 21st St, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Short Description:

A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.

SoBe Properties is a Miami Beach-based property management firm that provides comprehensive services throughout the Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach County areas. They specialize in managing a diverse range of properties, including single-family homes, condos, apartment buildings, and homeowners/condo associations, with a focus on efficient operations, financial reporting, and enhancing property investments.

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Property Types:

Lists the types of properties this service provider specializes in, such as residential, affordable housing, or senior housing.

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Affordable Housing
  • Senior Housing
  • Student Housing
  • HOA
  • COA
  • Storage
  • Specialty Properties

Highlights the companys main areas of expertise and the specific services they offer

  • Efficient Property Management
  • Tailored Real Estate Services
  • Diverse Client Portfolio
  • Streamlined Rental Process
  • Multilingual Team
  • Attentive Tenant Services
  • Vendor Management
  • Financial Reporting
Key Features:

Showcases what sets this company apart from others.

Unverified Business
  • Tech-Oriented
  • Above-and-Beyond Service
  • Consumer's Choice
  • Investor's Choice
  • Local Experts
  • Multi-Domain Experts
  • Budget-Friendly
  • Luxury-Focused
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Industry Veteran
  • Family-Run
  • Veteran Owned
Why Choose This Company:

KeyCrews recommendation on why this service provider may be the best fit for your needs.

SoBe Properties is a premier property management firm serving the Miami Beach, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach areas of Florida. As a specialist in residential, HOA, COA, and multi-family properties, they are dedicated to providing exceptional service and efficiently connecting tenants with the right rental properties. With a multilingual staff fluent in Spanish, Italian, and French, SoBe Properties is well-equipped to serve the diverse South Florida market. Clients praise their attentive services and streamlined rental process, making them a superb option for customers seeking professional property management. SoBe Properties' commitment to the success of their clients' investments is evident in their comprehensive management services, including maintenance, vendor management, and financial reporting. Customers looking for a reliable and experienced property management company in the Miami area will find SoBe Properties to be an excellent choice.


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Property Manager Services

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People often ask...

What services does the company offer?

The company offers property management services including management planning, property maintenance, vendor management, financial reporting, and extended services to protect and enhance investments.

What types of properties does the company work with?

The company works with single-family homes, individual condos, apartment buildings, and homeowners condo associations.

What geographic areas does the company serve?

The company serves Miami, Broward and Palm Beach County Areas.

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Real Estate Agent, Property Manager, Vacation Rental Manager

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Property Manager

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This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.

This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.

Real Estate Agent, Property Manager, Vacation Rental Manager

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