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Areas Served:

Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.

Tallahassee, FL


113 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32301, United States

Short Description:

A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.

RentTally.com is a comprehensive apartment search platform that helps renters in Tallahassee, Florida find the perfect apartment that fits their lifestyle and budget. The company specializes in providing resources and tools for students at Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and Tallahassee Community College, as well as non-student renters, to discover apartments with amenities, locations, and lease options tailored to their needs.

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Property Types:

Lists the types of properties this service provider specializes in, such as residential, affordable housing, or senior housing.

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Mixed-Use
  • Multi-Family
  • Affordable Housing
  • Senior Housing
  • Student Housing
  • HOA
  • COA
  • Storage
  • Specialty Properties

Highlights the companys main areas of expertise and the specific services they offer

  • Apartment Lifestyle Solutions
  • Tailored Rental Options
  • Personalized Apartment Search
  • Seamless Rental Experience
  • Customized Apartment Recommendations
  • Flexible Leasing Arrangements
  • Comprehensive Apartment Guidance
  • Apartment Amenity Optimization
Key Features:

Showcases what sets this company apart from others.

Unverified Business
  • Tech-Oriented
  • Above-and-Beyond Service
  • Consumer's Choice
  • Investor's Choice
  • Local Experts
  • Multi-Domain Experts
  • Budget-Friendly
  • Luxury-Focused
  • Spanish Speaking
  • Industry Veteran
  • Family-Run
  • Veteran Owned
Why Choose This Company:

KeyCrews recommendation on why this service provider may be the best fit for your needs.

Clients in search of a seamless apartment search experience in Tallahassee, FL will find RentTally.com an excellent resource. As the Tallahassee apartment experts, this locally-focused team provides comprehensive knowledge about the city's rental market, from recommending the best neighborhoods for students to highlighting top amenities. With an extensive database of apartments near Florida State University, FAMU, and Tallahassee Community College, RentTally simplifies the process of finding the perfect off-campus living option. Their user-friendly platform allows customers to filter by location, budget, and must-have features, while the team's FAQ section anticipates and addresses common questions. Backed by a collaborative effort with local college students, RentTally is dedicated to delivering an authentic, data-driven apartment search tailored to the unique needs of Tallahassee renters.

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