Kubes Realty This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.
This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.
Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.
1221 4th Ave E #100, Shakopee, MN 55379
A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.
Kubes Realty is a real estate agency specializing in residential, multi-family, and commercial properties in the Minnesota counties of Scott, Le Sueur, Sibley, Rice, Carver, and Dakota, including cities like New Prague, Montgomery, Shakopee, Savage, Prior Lake, Belle Plaine, and Jordan. They offer a wide range of services to buyers, sellers, and investors in these local markets.
This profile was created from KeyCrew's proprietary intelligence platform and human review. Suggest Changes .