Foxfield LLC This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.
This business has not yet claimed its profile and information provided here has not been verified. Response times vary.
Lists the geographic locations where this company operates and offers its services, including specific cities, regions, or states.
265 Franklin St, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02110
A brief description of the company and its unique selling points, as summarized by KeyCrew.
Foxfield is an investment fund that specializes in real estate development and value-add opportunities across the United States. The company's opportunistic approach and analytical processes allow it to uncover value in properties that others may overlook, focusing on the potential within each asset and the surrounding community. Foxfield's experienced leadership team leverages their collective expertise to maximize outcomes for investors, with a focus on controlling downside risk and generating asymmetric returns.
This profile was created from KeyCrew's proprietary intelligence platform and human review. Suggest Changes .